Independent studio
Major film studio
What Kind of media Institution might distribute your media product and why?
There are two types of media institution, major film studio and independent film studio. Major film studio is usually for films which are of high quality and have a high budget with well known actors in their film. Example of a major film studios are 20TH Century Fox, Warner Bros and Paramount Pictures. Films that would have been distributed in these studios are Twilight, Children of Men and Avatar. An independent film studio is usually films which are low budgeted and is not released in the cinema such as the Odeon.
The production company is a company that are responsible for creating different type of media, this can be films and TV programmes. Production Company can both be small or large company and then they will sell what they have made to a film studio.
DreamWorks is one of the most successful distributer for major films, and have been known for their film ‘Dream Girls’ and have even co-produced with Paramount Pictures. For our opening scene the type of distributor that would be suitable for our film is an independent studio like Glasgow independent studios, viral films and Newmarket Films.
Independent films which have become very popular are ‘The Hurt Locker’ which was first seen in a film festival called ‘Venice film festival’ and ‘The Passion of Christ’ which was distributed by Newmarket Films.
Our opening scene is an independent film because it been produced with a low budget and would not be qualified to be produced in a major film studio and would not be suitable to be view in a cinema as it is not a professional standard. However at the very beginning our opening scene is quite similar to the Children of Men as it has a voice over informing the audience and the film Seven is also similar because there are lots of close up shots and as the film progress the main character is kept hiding just like our film.
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