Sunday, 9 January 2011

Film Rating

We used the British Board of Film classification (BBFC) to identify the ratings that our film should be. The BBFC’S guideline states that a film that for films that are rated “15” no one younger than 15 may see a “15” film in a cinema and no one younger than “15” can buy or rent a “15” rated video work. Hence our movie is only suitable for 15years and over.

Our movie is rated “15” because on the guideline for “15” rated films in terms of discrimination the work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour and our movie does not support discriminatory language or behaviour.

Also, the guideline states that in terms of drugs, drugs may be taking but it must not be promoted or encourage. Later on in our movie, the character “Sandra” uses drug but she was reported for using it – this shows that the misuse of drug was not promoted.

In addition, in terms of language, our film will later on use strong languages such as “Fuck and Cunt”. In the BBFC’S guideline for film that are rated “15” it is acceptable for the frequent use of such strong language.

Lastly, the main aspect that concerns our film is “violence”. Our film contains strong violence. However, it does not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. There are detailed verbal references to violence but it doesn’t show strong gory images. Looking at the BBFC’S guideline, our film abides by their guideline.